Change is constant. It is inevitable and unstoppable. While social media provides an effective platform to generate, maintain and/or establish relationships, it is not surprising that more supply chain companies and organizations are switching to social media-influenced marketing.
However, the most obvious threat for supply chain specialists willing to embrace these changes is convincing the entire supply chain industry that the benefits of socially approached supply chain operations balance off the negatives. To start with, socially applied supply chain process,
Minimize risks and streamlines project maneuvers – In Supply Chain Industry, there is nothing more important than time. Time is always equivalent to money. In this method, supply chains can gauge the possible magnitude of operational risks and settle financial matters in a more timely and operative manner. An email to 20 different recipients takes more significant amount of time to complete compared to an internal post in a collaborative social media platform. Plus, response is quick and instantaneous.
Generate sales leads easier and faster – Nowadays, social media have become prolific and highly utilized not only by the general public but as well as both the small and giant organizations. It has been an outlet of inventive advertising and/or campaigns for existing companies and potential clients. This makes social media advantageous because it crafts a virtual avenue around which manufacturers, suppliers and customers can engage in a social or professional manner of discussion and crop up a lucrative indenture beneficial to the people and organizations involved.Social networking helps corporations reinforce engagement and revolutionize supply chain processes. It is a perfect platform to cross-examine your current supply chain methods by generating recommendations through social media to make room for developments and innovation. Crowdsourcing is an example of a tool best practiced in any business models.
Real-time connection – Updating and monitoring social media channels can have an extremely significant bearing on supply chain development. This has allow companies to perform connections in real-time. Social networks also provide superior flexibility to respond in terms of supply and demand.For more relevant information, Follow X2 Elite Blog.
Our special networking event is about smart freight forwarders coming together to grow and develop business within the group by providing an opportunity for all members to gather in one place to form and extend personal relationships.
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