There has been a lot happening over the past week here in the X2 offices. We have rolled out the Tier System, had a visit from 3 of our X2 Elite members, and we have developed a member promotion program and are in the midst of creating a reward program for members that requires contribution to the network.
The Tier System is something that every member should be aware of and now that it is in effect, you might have noticed already, but if not, look at the upper right hand corner of your profile page to find a list of the criteria that is needed to progress from Tier 3 to Tier 1. Please remember that the items can be completed in any order.
Tier 1: 0-3 Items Completed
Tier 2: 4-6 Items Completed
Tier 1: 7 Items Completed
Earlier this week X2 had the pleasure of hosting 3 of our members who decided to visit together. Surachai Pongpensuk of Sea & Aero in Thailand, Francisco Vilarinho from Intersped-Transitors e Navegacao in Portugal, and Arne Luecken of Brelog in Germany. To see the three together along with the X2 Team, please visit the Network News.
The last two items under development were announced on Thursday’s X2 Elite Weekly Bulletin. With this announcement, we introduced a program to contact members and find out their goals and proceed from there to design an advertisement for them and also to introduce the soon coming launch of a Reward Program that is related to X2 Elite network contribution.
With the rewards program, we will contact members individually and ask determine with the member points they would like emphasized and then we would proceed to create an original advertisement. Upon the clearance of the member, we would proceed to actively use this media to advertise our members both inside and outside of the network. Overall, we see this as another way that we can promote our members and work for them to help the development of their business.
The Reward Program is still in development but will be introduced this quarter to the X2 Elite membership. With this, members will be able to save $100s of dollars off of their membership and it will be incentivizing newer members who might not have shifted business into the network to do so. All of our members have reported or stated that they want to be a part of a professional group that is cohesive and supportive of each other, and this is a too to turn that want into reality.